Dogs Find Paradise in LA

posted in: Culture, Hike, LA | 0

People adopt or buy dogs and they become their companions and family. They take them everywhere, to the store, restaurants, park, ocean, and mountain. The warm weather and open space in Los Angeles offer dogs a happy existence. Treat them … Continued

Roommate Fridays

posted in: Culture, LA | 0

California girls have busy schedules. We work, workout, hang out, and party. That leaves very little time for sleep. We are spontaneous and fun, but also make plans to spend time with people they care about and love. Roommate Fridays … Continued

Skinny Girls Live the Dream

posted in: Body, LA | 0

LA girls can have body issues with a focus is on beauty and thinness. Most of us achieve a healthy, thin body through an active lifestyle. We may hike, surf, swim, and dance. We eat well, and try out the … Continued

Date a Surfer

posted in: Beach, Do, Surfer | 0

Surfer boys and girls are what dreams are made of. They symbolize California beauty, mystique, and culture. There are laid-back and carefree. They chase waves rain or shine. They are passionate, adventurous, and romantic. 1. Super tanned, strong, free-spirited, and … Continued

Landmarks Reveal LA’s History

posted in: Landmark, See | 0

Los Angeles, CA is a diverse and vast city. It’s home to people of different cultures and backgrounds who have come here for opportunities, fame, and fortune. Overtime, neighborhoods have changed. Different groups of people move in and out, but … Continued